Monday 30 March 2020

Epidemics and a New Purpose for our Blog

Good evening!

Hello my old friend, as usual it has been a while.
We can all now agree and come to accept the fact that I am simply a terrible blog-writer but now that Corona has swept us all into our homes for the foreseeable future you may just be reading from me more frequently! (No promises.) 

What to do when Corona Virus makes you stay home.

Now I can't really tell you what to do because I don't know what you like to do, and I can assure you that you and I may like to do very different things. I can safely admit that I did indeed give myself a drastic, boredom-induced haircut only two days into self-isolation. I can feel the lack of surprise from you already. So begins suggestion number 1 of "Things to do when a Bloody Pandemic Sweeps through the Entire World Forcing You Indoors Until Lord Knows When."

Make that drastic DIY hair change because you're bored. Just do it.

May I start this paragraph by stating the most important fact of this matter: no one is going to see you for a very long time. 
This gives you complete freedom to do whatever you like to your hair. Been wondering how you would look with those bangs? Go for it. Wanna try colouring your hair something strange? Now's the time! Bleach? Do it. 
If you do decide to venture down this path into the great unknown with endless outcomes, know you are safe within your forced solitude. Bangs are too short? They won't be by the time anyone gets to see them. That colour didn't suit you? It'll wash out in no time, no worries. Bleached your hair wrong and all of your hair fell out? I don't actually know what to tell you.. Good luck friend, I hope you are okay.
Now is the time, be brave and do it.

Rearrange your Dwelling.

My (brand new) Husband and I (oh yes I got married and will certainly add pictures soon) recently moved into his gracious parents home after COVID-19 took our jobs and our rental. We copped quite a blow from the nasty effects of this epidemic, but our family has pulled through to give us a soft landing by providing us with a roof above our heads and a bed to sleep in. They also gifted us a space in their home that we could decorate to make our very own lounging, tea sipping, plant pruning, blog writing abode. My inner interior-designer has had an absolute blast this past weekend (also it was my birthday on Saturday which I will also mention later!) 
My husband and I found some absolutely gorgeous furniture at a sweet antique shop in an old steam engine train (I am not making that up, it's as pleasant as it sound) including a stunning dark red leather Chesterfield lounge and a dark red, oriental style antique wooden coffee table with draws. We started there and added two beautiful antique tables to home our hoard of plants. This space has become my sanctuary and absolutely deserves its very own blog post which will promptly come. I feel like I have captured the essence of my favourite Danish word "Hyyge". You know I think I will also write a blog post about the word Hyyge because it holds such a lot of meaning. I am very proud of my cozy, warm space.

Tend to your Poor Plants.

Take a look at your plants, now back to me, now back at your plants, now back to me, All Spice Fragra- I am definitely joking/getting distracted. But, how are your house-plants? A little dry or root bound and needing a bigger pot? Or over-watered and root-rotting from carelessly tipping oodles of unnecessary sustenance into their little pots? Poor things. I will own up to my transgressions, my plants were grossly neglected and dry, hence I have been tending to them like a first-time mother to a newborn. My plants have never been happier. I am also going to write a post dedicated to my plants, I am having ideas left, right and centre. 
What I meant to say before I got side tracked is, spend time pretending to be mother nature or a plant whisperer and take very good care of your plants. Re-pot them, prune them, fertilize or water them and put them in a sunny spot. I promise it will bring you joy.

Learn something!

If you have access to this blog, you are the luckiest being. Not because of my blog (although it's a pretty decent blog), but because of the internet. You have access to endless education. You can simply ask google and you're already on your way. I am taking this precious time home to learn and keep my brain exercised. Duolingo, YouTube, even Ultimate Guitar are all gateways to knowledge. Ever wanted to learn a language? It takes 2 minutes to download Duolingo and make a start, I'll be using it to practice French and I highly recommend it. I am also wanting to expand my knowledge of the guitar, which has been very therapeutic and beneficial to me during this time. I may only be a four-chord-wonder but I can get better if I put the work in as can you. I am also learning pottery, sewing and cooking! We have so much time, I beg you not to take it for granted.

Take Care :)

All of these things that I have mentioned are things that bring me joy or simple contentment. Knowing that I am doing something, though seemingly small, but fun or relaxing is going to boost the wellness of my mind and self-love. I feel at peace and joy even during this stressful time. Take care of yourself, make yourself a tea and do something little, but something that will make you feel better. I urge you to wake up a little earlier and do a little more. Make the most of your time.
I hope you are healthy and well, I must leave this post here now due to a very large cup of tea and my small bladder.
Until next time Old Friend! Lots of Love,
Vienna x

Friday 15 November 2019

Mellow Yellow

Songs for a rainy Sunday.

"Vienna, WHERE have you BEEN and HOW have you managed to neglect your blog AGAIN!?" I hear you say? 

This is what has happened since we last talked. 

  • I attended a whole Term on Campus
  • I attended two weddings
  • I attended my brother's 18th 
  • I got a "D" on a poorly written assignment
  • I got an "A" on my latest assignment (special thanks to google)
  • I consumed God knows how much coffee
  • I consumed God knows how much mexican food
  • I created a bunch of paintings
  • I created a bunch of songs
  • I learned to cook (sort of)
  • I learned to sew
  • I now know that thimbles are in fact very important
  • I started discipleship training
  • I started reading my Bible
  • I sang my heart out
  • I built a good relationship with my family
  • I built a good relationship with my friends
  • I broke a bad relationship with another friend
  • I broke a couple of wine glasses (sorry Ma)
  • I fell off my skateboard 
  • I watched a lot of Marvel Movies 
  • I watched a lot of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 
  • I accidently kicked my dog in the face
I can't think of anything else I have done because I am a bed dweller, a blanket being, I am one with the sheets and productivity is like a foreign language to me.

You might be thinking "That's a rather boring list with a couple of strange/cheesy things thrown in there."
You might also be thinking "That's not much," to which I say you are absolutely correct I literally just said that pay attention.

Happily reminiscing.

These are things I remembered whilst having a "mellow moment." 
You know, those moments when you reminisce on your small achievements and favourite memories whilst listening to some calming and thought-provoking tunes and it's a rainy Sunday and you stumble across your old bog and you think, "I just want to write something,literally anything," because you just want to write.

Just wanted to write.

I have pretty sad looking grades for my latest studying endeavors, (because I'm the worst with assignments and accountability) but I do love to write on my own terms. I just wanted to write to you and feel like I once felt when I first started this blog.
When I started this blog I was wrapped up in my blanket surrounded by scrunched up tissues with a hot, aromatic coffee hugged tightly in my hands and some wild looking bed-hair. This blog is my comfy pillow, my blanket fort and my cup of tea. It is like giving myself a hug, it enforces my inner sweetness and gentleness to come out and socialize and I think that is some seriously healthy self-care.

Back to reality.

I've been back at it lately, socializing, work, sketching. since I last wrote I've been happy and content. The music I listen to is sweet and my sketches are typically of embracing couples these days. I'm simply happy :)

The happiest moment.

My favorite moment that happened since I last wrote is a recent one, a particular Sunday (Sunday is when all the best things happen, or Friday nights.) It was a good day; I went for a walk in the rain, wearing the jacket of my favorite company and said to them some permanent words that, quite honestly, I don't actually want to take back. I'm just glad they are returned every day :)
If you happen to be slightly confused by what I mean, I have my dearest partner whom I love very much and who shall not be named as a benefit for your own imaginations, and the disclosure of our private-ish relationship.

Dear little ones.

For those of you who do not know what I do for work, I am a child-care worker. I look after little children and feed their imaginative minds with good books and songs and I love it. I adore the children I get the privilege of working with. Their favorite books currently are "The Hungry Caterpillar" (a classic) and "The Gruffalo's Child" (an adorable must-read.) They are also really loving the "Alphabet Song" and "You are my Sunshine." Work is wonderful and wholesome, I am learning everyday and my heart is full. 

A personal post.

This post is more personal than any of my others. I'm not exactly expecting anyone to read it, I just wanted to write it down! It's really just a rambling on of my thoughts and feelings I guess! 

Apologies for not giving you the witty and funny blog post you might have been expecting! Maybe I'll write one of those later. 

Love you all!

Vienna xoxo

Sunday 14 August 2016

What's Happening?

Well it's been a while..

Hope you've all been doing swimmingly and feeling fit for anything.
I'm sure you all know how this goes, I start my blog post with a long dragged out intro as-per usual as I sit at my desk by the window with a hot brew of coffee.

This post is going to be one of those "Not Worth Reading" posts where I ramble on about myself and what I've been up to and all the boring, uneventful things that have happened to me so, if you're into that, please do read on.

What on earth is going on?

I'm back at the campus! And it sucks! Hence why I have not been writing at all, Apologies! I would never have thought I would miss being tired all the time at home, until I tried being tired all the time on campus. Lord I need your help. I've been back at it for a solid month now without one day off and let me tell you, I have certainly been sleeping a lot(all day Saturday yo.)
Waking up early again sucks quite a bit and catching the bus, and the uniform, and the work. ENOUGH COMPLAINING :D

I'm just hanging out for the next holiday (in six weeks.)


It's a Sunday so I slept in and listened to Vance Joy to get into a peppy mood. Works every time. I then put on my favourite white, flowy, dress with the open back and a flower crown and my favourite denim jacket. (Such style)

Guess what! I have a collection of all vegan, fair-trade cosmetics now (Lush, hit me up). I'm not even a hippy because I eat more animals than a dinosaur and all my houseplants die, rip. 

I'm actually also hanging in there for warmer days because I am pale and my skin is suffering. Today I was excited to have 14 degrees C. That's sad. That's like in Antarctica when they wear shorts and it's 9 degrees C.

I went to church half an hour after I woke up because I am tres lazy and disorganised. After church I went to the Standard for burgers with my brothers and G'ma and then came home to go on Pinterest and plan my next hairdo move. Which is going to be extra blonde.

I made Kombucha too! I am not a hippy. My Ma taught me how to make yummy kombucha so today I went ahead and made two batches to last me a long time.

My life has been very uneventful and dull recently but that doesn't mean I don't still dance in my living room to funky music and say I've had a good day. Life is slow right now, but I don't mind. I'm a slow person that likes to take my time and take each thing as it comes.

My next blog post will certainly be more interesting and upbeat (might include a cheeky lil' video.) I'm getting my hair re-done soon and will blog/vlog the adventure. 

"When your life is that bland that getting your hair done is an adventure." My friends are out there getting married and having kids and starting businesses.

Vienna xoxox

(The extra "x" is because this post is bad, sorry!)

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Listen to Soul, Listen to Blues

This Morning.

This morning I was scrolling through Triple J's "Like a Version" playlist on YouTube, and I came across an adorable, British musician called Anne-Marie. She performed her acoustic cover of Safia's "Listen to Soul, Listen to Blues" and I really loved it. It was pretty raw and smooth and was perfect for a super Lazy Monday morning. 
//: This has nothing to do with this blog post I just wanted to tell you about it.  

Actually no, it does because this post is going to be about music!
Lately I've been on the hunt for new sounds. I'll always love my go-to artists but it can be a bit frustrating when artists don't put out any music for long periods of time, like 16 years. (I'm looking at you, The Avalanches.)

My recent favourites have been numerous but I'm going to write about them all don't worry. ;)

HONNE definitely puts out some really smooth music that makes you think of really late nights in the city. I love listening to his music when it's super late and I'm not tired, He recently made a song called "Someone Who Loves You" featuring Izzy Bizu (another one of my favourites.) He uses simple but effective backing tracks and makes the focal point of his songs the vocals, which is great! My suggested songs by Honne would be "Warm on a Cold Night."

Izzy Bizu.

La chanteuse soul Izzy Bizu: Izzy Bizu recently came out with a song called "Mad Behaviour" that seems to break away from her usual style of music. Her usual style being soft, upbeat acoustic with bubbly vocals and it's actually adorable. But this song seems to have a touch of soul in the harmonising. If you want to get a feel for Izzy Bizu's style check out her songs "Butterfly" and "Sweat" they're absolutely adorable!

Vallis Alps.

Vallis Alps makes some of the most chilled out electronic music I've ever heard. It's very unique and soft but also up-beat enough for you to dance to! Their most popular song that's out at the moment is "Young" and it's the perfect example of their style. With relaxing vocals and quick beats. It's pretty soothing with the perfect amount of pep to get you by.

I'll be sure to update you guys with more artists that I've found soon! Hope you enjoyed,

Vienna x

Saturday 4 June 2016

Build a Pillow Fort


Hello everyone! 
(All of my, two? almost two subscribers.)
So lately I've been getting out and about more. I've been going to the office to do work and even went to the University for a French Class. It was all really great to get out and feel like I had energy (and a social life) again. I also went to youth group and that was by far the highlight of my month. I've never felt so happy to see my favourite people in the world. :)

One step forward, tow steps back.

Today I burned out and I'm a little sad. I slept in until 11:00 am and my throat felt a bit like fire. The glandular virus and tonsillitis have attacked again and I am really feeling it, so I guess that means not leaving the house for another week.

I was sitting on the couch eating a bowl of porridge with a teaspoon and listening to the soundtrack for Me Before You (go listen to it and you'll understand)and feeling very sorry for myself, when I realized that this just isn't very Vienna of me. It's gotta get easier. This blog is about looking at the positives of CFS so that's what we're gonna do. 

And I'm going to make a pillow fort.

How to make a Pillow Fort with Vienna.

Now you may be thinking, 
"Vienna, you're not eight years old anymore."

To which I say,
"My mum says I never grew up past the age of eight so excuse me don't be rude."

Step One.

The first step to making a pillow fort is not to get distracted by a computer because then you will check your blog and end up writing a blog post about making a pillow fort instead of actually, making a pillow fort. OK!

Step Two.

The next step is to procrastinate and make yourself a cup of tea. You then, of course, get distracted and forget you started making tea so now your still-brewing cup of tea is extra strong and cold. Good work!

Step Three.

Then you're going go to your lounge room and realize you probably should tidy up so you actually have somewhere to build a fort. So you're going to do that and find a random burst of motivation to clean the rest of your house so you're going to to that too. Nice!

Step Three.

Clear the dance floor! We're putting on some happy music now. Clear enough space in your lounge room to put all those pillows and blankets.
You're allowed to dance for this part, in fact I recommend it. (Just don't overdo it if you have CFS.)

Step Four.

Lay down your pillows/mattress in the middle of the space to make the foundation of your fort. Then just fall on top of them and stay there for a few minutes/hours it's ok you are sick you have an excuse. You've earned this.

Step Five.

Get pretty much anything that you can use as a structure to drape blankets over to make a tent with enough room for a person. Arrange your structure and throw your blankets on top. Feel free to layer up the blankets because this is Tasmania not the Bahamas it's a freezing war out there.

Step Six.

Make another cup of tea that you'll inevitably forget about and get ice-cream. Ice-cream is good for you so don't forget to really think about your health here go hard or go home is what I say.

Good Job!

If you followed all of these steps you should have a pretty great pillow fort and a lot of ice-cream and cold tea. Or you're really confused and concerned for me. I'm okay.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a really wonderful week BYE!
Vienna xo

Saturday 28 May 2016

Coffee, an Education.

Coffee, because crack is bad for you.

mr-bentley-drummle: afroditimou2: Needing it right NOW! Does anyone else need one of these?: If you have CFS, coffee might just be your best friend. Now we all know the difference between Tea and Coffee. Tea is usually taken before you go to bed. It's relaxing and feels like a hug in a mug. Or tea cup, whichever you prefer. Coffee on the other hand, is what I most like to have in the morning. Or literally any time of the day. I love the feeling of stumbling out of bed in my pajamas, pouring myself a good strong, roasty-toasty brew to pep myself up and prepare for a day of, well, nothing. But here's a few reasons why i really really love my coffee.

x: Coffee is very important, in fact, when asked by baristas how i take my coffee I reply "Seriously, very seriously." It's obviously no joking matter. (Even though that was definitely a joke.) This is not because I have a caffeine dependency (although I might) but it is actually true that you can become a coffee addict, just don't overdo it. So chill out, I mean who are you trying to impress.
But! there are many medical benefits of being a coffee addict. if you're one of my friends studying medicine or what-not, please don't judge me for inaccuracy. I just need excuses to back up my habits.

Excuses for coffee addicts to continue drinking coffee.

FACT ONE: Having 4 cups of coffee in a day can reduce the chance of getting type 2 diabetes by 50%, and having an additional 3 cups can reduce the risk by 7%. Why you would drink 7 cups of coffee in a day I do not understand because I'm sure there are better ways of reducing diabetes. But hey if not sleeping is your thing, stay fresh to death.

♥COFFEE♥: FACT TWO: A study for 130,000 people who drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day said that they were 20% less likely to suffer from abnormal heart rhythms than non-drinkers. Just don't go crazy, having too much coffee in a day will probably give you heart palpitations. Calm down.

FACT THREE: People who drink coffee are 65% percent less likely to develop alzheimer's disease I have no idea how accurate this fact is. Or any of these facts for that matter.

FACT FOUR: For women who drink 2 or more coffees daily, there is a 20% lower risk of getting a stroke. Which sounds great.

Tasmania's Bragging Rights. 

If you're lucky enough to live in Tasmania, you will be blessed with an abundance of beautiful coffee, cafes and talented baristas. Baristas with cool tattoos. There are so many small cafes and businesses with shining reputations for their brilliant quality coffee. Which is great because I live in walking distance of all of them #blessed. My personal fave is Villino, a 4.9 out of 5 star rated cafe. Impressive. If ever you are in Hobart and go into town, please treat yourself and head up Critereon St to Villino. Get yourself a good cup of coffee, and maybe some beans to take home with you. You won't regret it. Even their Mochas are great.

The Perfect Crema:
Art and Coffee.

Making coffee is a true art form, and for someone who loves to call themselves an artist, I respect it. To me, there is no prettier colour than the colour of the perfect crema. Look at this one, it looks like it has actual milk in it but it doesn't. It's just compressed coffee and hot water and it makes this. It's actual magic.

Types of Coffee.

When I go to cafes I always order a latte. Not because I'm not adventurous I just really like the simplicity of lattes. Although there are so many different ways to have a cup of coffee. If you're one of those nasty fake coffee fans that go to starbucks and order a "Venti double-shot espresso hazelnut praline soy latte with sweetened whipped cream, a dash of salted caramel syrup, and crushed hazelnut on top of the cream, oh and a teaspoon of steevia, because "you're on a diet"" despite all the diabetes that is already in that takeaway cup, you know this to be true. You're also a disgrace to coffee drinkers everywhere. (And yes I have seen someone order that at a starbucks in Melbourne, if I wasn't already holding a coffee in both hands I probably would have slapped them.) (Also don't ask what I was doing in a starbucks in Melbourne.) 

But there are so many decisions to make when ordering (or making) your perfect coffee! Here's a few more facts about what makes coffee so interesting that i'll throw into this post to make myself look more professional.  

Light or Dark Roast.

light or dark roasted beans. (Yes there is a big difference between the two, and it's not just the colour.) Light roasted beans tend to have a sweeter, more floral flavour, whereas dark roasted beans have a bittersweet, toasted flavour. Although both have the same amount of caffeine and the flavour of one is not necessarily stronger than the other. The darker the roast the stronger the bitterness of the coffee and more oil on the beans. So don't get me wrong, there are many levels of roasting in between just Light and Dark. Starting from lightest to darkest, there is: Light, Cinnamon, Medium, High, City, Full City, French and Italian. I really like Full City but hey, I think all are beautiful I don't discriminate.

Arabica or Robusta.

. : Diferencia entre el café Robusta y Arábica: Arabica and Robusta are actually different species of coffee. Robusta grows in lower altitudes and produces fruit faster in mostly Africa and Indonesia, but the most expensive Robusta beans grow in Latin America. The differing flavour and caffeine concentration between the two is
Arabica has a softer, more sweet taste and half as much caffeine as Robusta. 
Robusta has a stronger and more harsh taste and twice as much caffeine as Arabica (omg really?). Also, 70% of the world's coffee is Arabica.
Espresso and Drip.

Espresso: Espresso is made by forcing hot water under high pressure through compressed, fine coffee grounds, making a "crema" (that magical thing I mentioned earlier). Espresso has a higher concentration of caffeine than drip. I also always get espresso coffee when ordering at cafes, because it's great when done by pros. I also suck at making espresso myself, I would say "leave it to the professionals" but I disagree. I am still learning, determination is key.

Drip is actually more exciting than it sounds. 

It is made by pouring hot water over medium-coarse coffee grounds through a filter, and your delicious easy-made coffee drips down into the coffee pot. 
It has a lower concentration of caffeine but I typically end up drinking more of it, so I get a similar buzz from it to the espresso. I love a good cup of home-made drip coffee when I first wake up. It's so easy to make, you can't stuff it up. And if you do, I hope you're ok. #PrayinForYou.

Black and White.

Coffee please!: I don't want to say Michael Jackson was wrong.. but the shade of your coffee can make quite a difference to the flavour. This one isn't all too important if you ask me but here goes.
Cafe Latte is made with espresso and steamed milk. Apparently, ordering a Cafe latte makes you sound like Joe Schmoe (which I don't mind.)
A black coffee (Long black, Espresso, etc is made with espresso alone or with hot water and and ordering it makes you sound like Admiral Fancy-pants (according to pinterest) due to it's complexity of notes depending on the beans used. Black coffee is good for those who are Italian, those who would rather not do crack but could use a kick, or those who appreciate coffee on another level.

Espresso and Expresso.

Can we please clear something up? To the people that say "expresso" instead of "espresso," please, please, do not go anywhere near any cafes until you re-educate yourself and it is safe for you to go out for coffee without being humiliated. When you say Espresso, you are actually saying "pressed out" in Italian. Which is fancy and professional and screams, "I know what I'm talking about I'm also a coffee lover (probably with a caffeine dependency.)"
When you say Expresso, you are actually saying, "Hello respectable barista, I know nothing also please slap me in the face." 

Invest in a really wolly pair of socks for indoors when you're chilly, wrapped up in bed with a cuppa coffee: So apparently your coffee choice can have some kind of reflection of your personality. I was intrigued by this and decided to do some research and according to my calculations (Velma moment) my choice of a latte reflects that I "tend to be neurotic" and "like to please people" I also am "indecisive when it comes to making decisions." I would say that the accuracy of this information is both rude and not plausible.

That is all, I hope you learned something from this very passive-aggressive blog post. I promise that my other posts won't be like this, don't worry. I also hope you feel impressed by my showing-off of my knowledge of coffee. 
Vienna x 

Monday 23 May 2016

Bad Hair Days

An Introduction

When starting a blog one normally introduces one's self, perhaps gives a reason or two for starting their new blog and maybe adds a few pictures so the internet can get a better idea of what kind of blog they're dealing with this time. And don't forget to kick off the blog with a schedule of the blog updates so the internet knows when not to go away on vacation, in order to commit to this fantastic new blog. 

I obviously do not know how to begin.

I wanted to start this blog because I have just hit the three week mark of being in nothing else but my pajamas. I have not left the house, I have remained in my pajamas for three weeks. Jeez Louise. I have glandular fever and tonsillitis which is so nasty and ended me in hospital for a while (like two hours, but it sounds more impressive and dramatic if you just say "a while") The reason for this trip to the ER being that apparently Amoxycillin and glandular viruses do not like each other and will give you a gross rash. Also I am allergic to Penicillin. I was also told that I could end up with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which to me sounds like a year of frustrating tiredness, sore throats and pajamas. I wanted to look on the bright side of spending a year or more in my pajamas, so I started this blog about all the good things about staying in, and sleeping in.

Who Am I?

I should better introduce myself. My name is Vienna. I love to write, and my English Professors love me (that is a lie, I can write my blog for myself but I cannot write an assignment for them). I love Paris, good coffee, soft slippers and cozy pajamas. I have a board on Pinterest (Link will be down below) entirely of pajamas, linen, and Saturday mornings. I love sleeping in, classic books and 1920's Jazz more than anything. 

Today is a Tuesday, it is currently 10:20am and I have started this blog totally on impulse which is absolutely a key element that makes up my personality; impulse. 
I make impulsive (and often regrettable) decisions all the time. Like when I go to the supermarket for Soy milk and Almonds but I see espresso chocolate on sale, or suspicious looking tea for only $1.20. I simply have to have it. But my worst temptation is hairdressers. I can't walk past them! I am the most impulsive hair changer in the world. Quote my sister who says "If you don't like Vienna's hair, just wait five seconds." Let me run you through every hair style I have had over the past three years and you'll understand.

Writing about my Hair instead of something Interesting.

1. The long beachy waves. I had this look for roughly three months, a natural, long "I just went surfing" look to perfectly suit any Summer outfit or bathing suit although the beaches in Tasmania are scarce and I do not surf.

2. Then I watched "The Great Gatsby" (oh boy) I lost a good forty centimeters of my hair to be as cute as Daisy from the 1920's. I still like this one looking back but it was not thought through well enough to prepare me for the shock of waking up the next day and realizing what I had done.

3.  Okay, this next one literally haunts me and reduces me to the worst cringe attacks. I went through an "Emo phase" (ew) I had a side fringe that covered one eye at all times and everyday I straightened the living daylights out of my hair. To this day the smell of frying hair and hairspray haunts me. It was just so awful so let's never mention it again.

4. The "Cute Parisian Bangs." I had a box fringe! I kid you not I walked by the hairdresser, then took a few steps back to have a look, and BAM I had the idea and that's all it took I handed them my money and walked out with an adorable box fringe. I have to say I really enjoyed this hairstyle and would definitely get it back but, I get the worst bed hair ever and having hair sticking straight up in front of my face was not a cute parisian look let me tell you. So it didn't last long and I grew it out pretty quickly. 

5. Wild hair phase. So this is the phase where I just let it go for a while. I let my hair grow out and do whatever it wanted and it was a mess. That is all I am going to say.

6. The Blonde Highlights. So you know how they say "You'll never be happy with your first highlights"? Allow me to testify to this as the truth. I was so excited to get my first highlights, it was the first time I had ever coloured my hair. I walked out of that hairdressing salon looking like a bumble-bee and that does not mean it looked cute because it did not. I have naturally dark hair, very dark. I walked out of that salon with my very dark hair and then random chunks of straight up yellow here and there. Not cute.

7.The little Mermaid. Yes I used box-dyes to make myself look like I had lit my own hair on fire. It was crazy bright red and here is something I have noticed. I have noticed that most girls in highschool actually dye their hair this dark red colour. I have come to learn that this is for two reasons. The first being their hair is the only thing that their mother will allow them to drastically change about their appearance until they turn eighteen and no longer have their parents telling them that they can't get that nose piercing. The second being that therapy can be expensive, but that box dye is on sale for $2.50. Red hair dye is easy, it takes to any natural hair colour and washes out the fastest. Of course every rebelious teenage girl is gonna smother it in her hair.

8. Think "Twiggy." Twiggy was the world's most renowned model of the sixties. Her short "not quite pixie cut" and big painted lashes were a statement on their own and she was my new inspiration. So there went about another forty centimetres of my hair in hopes that I would be as cute as Twiggy. It worked by the way I was freaking adorable. There was actually two days of planning for this haircut and no, I did not tell my Mum I was going to do it hence why she just about fell over at the sight of it.

9. Ponytail jealousy. I wanted my long hair back, so I grew out my hair again for about two months until...

10. The committed pixie cut. I did the shave. I had the cutest and easiest to manage pixie cut and loved it. I don't know what made me want to do it but I think I totally owned it. 

11. The accidental mullet. Growing out pixie cuts is hard. Enough said I'll just leave it to your imagination. (ugh)

12. More odd highlights. Oh dear.

13.BLONDE. I am now blonde. I have shoulder length-ish blonde hair! and I'm pretty happy with it. It's an easy to manage style and I may always look like I literally just woke up but apparently that's cute and I'm ok with that.

You made it through my first post!

So now you've been run through my adventures of impulsive hairstyle decisions! This is a pretty odd first blog post that doesn't even have pictures but I can assure you this blog will soon be full of cute pajamas, fresh linen, and the best coffee and breakfasts. This blog will become your bestest sleepover buddy in a not weird way. I hope to update it Every Saturday or whenever I have a day off!

So get in your pjs, put on some jazz and grab your favourite pillow, you'll be getting nothing else but chilled out, warm fuzzy vibes from this space! 

Vienna x 

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