Saturday 4 June 2016

Build a Pillow Fort


Hello everyone! 
(All of my, two? almost two subscribers.)
So lately I've been getting out and about more. I've been going to the office to do work and even went to the University for a French Class. It was all really great to get out and feel like I had energy (and a social life) again. I also went to youth group and that was by far the highlight of my month. I've never felt so happy to see my favourite people in the world. :)

One step forward, tow steps back.

Today I burned out and I'm a little sad. I slept in until 11:00 am and my throat felt a bit like fire. The glandular virus and tonsillitis have attacked again and I am really feeling it, so I guess that means not leaving the house for another week.

I was sitting on the couch eating a bowl of porridge with a teaspoon and listening to the soundtrack for Me Before You (go listen to it and you'll understand)and feeling very sorry for myself, when I realized that this just isn't very Vienna of me. It's gotta get easier. This blog is about looking at the positives of CFS so that's what we're gonna do. 

And I'm going to make a pillow fort.

How to make a Pillow Fort with Vienna.

Now you may be thinking, 
"Vienna, you're not eight years old anymore."

To which I say,
"My mum says I never grew up past the age of eight so excuse me don't be rude."

Step One.

The first step to making a pillow fort is not to get distracted by a computer because then you will check your blog and end up writing a blog post about making a pillow fort instead of actually, making a pillow fort. OK!

Step Two.

The next step is to procrastinate and make yourself a cup of tea. You then, of course, get distracted and forget you started making tea so now your still-brewing cup of tea is extra strong and cold. Good work!

Step Three.

Then you're going go to your lounge room and realize you probably should tidy up so you actually have somewhere to build a fort. So you're going to do that and find a random burst of motivation to clean the rest of your house so you're going to to that too. Nice!

Step Three.

Clear the dance floor! We're putting on some happy music now. Clear enough space in your lounge room to put all those pillows and blankets.
You're allowed to dance for this part, in fact I recommend it. (Just don't overdo it if you have CFS.)

Step Four.

Lay down your pillows/mattress in the middle of the space to make the foundation of your fort. Then just fall on top of them and stay there for a few minutes/hours it's ok you are sick you have an excuse. You've earned this.

Step Five.

Get pretty much anything that you can use as a structure to drape blankets over to make a tent with enough room for a person. Arrange your structure and throw your blankets on top. Feel free to layer up the blankets because this is Tasmania not the Bahamas it's a freezing war out there.

Step Six.

Make another cup of tea that you'll inevitably forget about and get ice-cream. Ice-cream is good for you so don't forget to really think about your health here go hard or go home is what I say.

Good Job!

If you followed all of these steps you should have a pretty great pillow fort and a lot of ice-cream and cold tea. Or you're really confused and concerned for me. I'm okay.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a really wonderful week BYE!
Vienna xo

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