Tuesday 21 June 2016

Listen to Soul, Listen to Blues

This Morning.

This morning I was scrolling through Triple J's "Like a Version" playlist on YouTube, and I came across an adorable, British musician called Anne-Marie. She performed her acoustic cover of Safia's "Listen to Soul, Listen to Blues" and I really loved it. It was pretty raw and smooth and was perfect for a super Lazy Monday morning. 
//: This has nothing to do with this blog post I just wanted to tell you about it.  

Actually no, it does because this post is going to be about music!
Lately I've been on the hunt for new sounds. I'll always love my go-to artists but it can be a bit frustrating when artists don't put out any music for long periods of time, like 16 years. (I'm looking at you, The Avalanches.)

My recent favourites have been numerous but I'm going to write about them all don't worry. ;)

HONNE definitely puts out some really smooth music that makes you think of really late nights in the city. I love listening to his music when it's super late and I'm not tired, He recently made a song called "Someone Who Loves You" featuring Izzy Bizu (another one of my favourites.) He uses simple but effective backing tracks and makes the focal point of his songs the vocals, which is great! My suggested songs by Honne would be "Warm on a Cold Night."

Izzy Bizu.

La chanteuse soul Izzy Bizu: Izzy Bizu recently came out with a song called "Mad Behaviour" that seems to break away from her usual style of music. Her usual style being soft, upbeat acoustic with bubbly vocals and it's actually adorable. But this song seems to have a touch of soul in the harmonising. If you want to get a feel for Izzy Bizu's style check out her songs "Butterfly" and "Sweat" they're absolutely adorable!

Vallis Alps.

Vallis Alps makes some of the most chilled out electronic music I've ever heard. It's very unique and soft but also up-beat enough for you to dance to! Their most popular song that's out at the moment is "Young" and it's the perfect example of their style. With relaxing vocals and quick beats. It's pretty soothing with the perfect amount of pep to get you by.

I'll be sure to update you guys with more artists that I've found soon! Hope you enjoyed,

Vienna x

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