Monday 30 March 2020

Epidemics and a New Purpose for our Blog

Good evening!

Hello my old friend, as usual it has been a while.
We can all now agree and come to accept the fact that I am simply a terrible blog-writer but now that Corona has swept us all into our homes for the foreseeable future you may just be reading from me more frequently! (No promises.) 

What to do when Corona Virus makes you stay home.

Now I can't really tell you what to do because I don't know what you like to do, and I can assure you that you and I may like to do very different things. I can safely admit that I did indeed give myself a drastic, boredom-induced haircut only two days into self-isolation. I can feel the lack of surprise from you already. So begins suggestion number 1 of "Things to do when a Bloody Pandemic Sweeps through the Entire World Forcing You Indoors Until Lord Knows When."

Make that drastic DIY hair change because you're bored. Just do it.

May I start this paragraph by stating the most important fact of this matter: no one is going to see you for a very long time. 
This gives you complete freedom to do whatever you like to your hair. Been wondering how you would look with those bangs? Go for it. Wanna try colouring your hair something strange? Now's the time! Bleach? Do it. 
If you do decide to venture down this path into the great unknown with endless outcomes, know you are safe within your forced solitude. Bangs are too short? They won't be by the time anyone gets to see them. That colour didn't suit you? It'll wash out in no time, no worries. Bleached your hair wrong and all of your hair fell out? I don't actually know what to tell you.. Good luck friend, I hope you are okay.
Now is the time, be brave and do it.

Rearrange your Dwelling.

My (brand new) Husband and I (oh yes I got married and will certainly add pictures soon) recently moved into his gracious parents home after COVID-19 took our jobs and our rental. We copped quite a blow from the nasty effects of this epidemic, but our family has pulled through to give us a soft landing by providing us with a roof above our heads and a bed to sleep in. They also gifted us a space in their home that we could decorate to make our very own lounging, tea sipping, plant pruning, blog writing abode. My inner interior-designer has had an absolute blast this past weekend (also it was my birthday on Saturday which I will also mention later!) 
My husband and I found some absolutely gorgeous furniture at a sweet antique shop in an old steam engine train (I am not making that up, it's as pleasant as it sound) including a stunning dark red leather Chesterfield lounge and a dark red, oriental style antique wooden coffee table with draws. We started there and added two beautiful antique tables to home our hoard of plants. This space has become my sanctuary and absolutely deserves its very own blog post which will promptly come. I feel like I have captured the essence of my favourite Danish word "Hyyge". You know I think I will also write a blog post about the word Hyyge because it holds such a lot of meaning. I am very proud of my cozy, warm space.

Tend to your Poor Plants.

Take a look at your plants, now back to me, now back at your plants, now back to me, All Spice Fragra- I am definitely joking/getting distracted. But, how are your house-plants? A little dry or root bound and needing a bigger pot? Or over-watered and root-rotting from carelessly tipping oodles of unnecessary sustenance into their little pots? Poor things. I will own up to my transgressions, my plants were grossly neglected and dry, hence I have been tending to them like a first-time mother to a newborn. My plants have never been happier. I am also going to write a post dedicated to my plants, I am having ideas left, right and centre. 
What I meant to say before I got side tracked is, spend time pretending to be mother nature or a plant whisperer and take very good care of your plants. Re-pot them, prune them, fertilize or water them and put them in a sunny spot. I promise it will bring you joy.

Learn something!

If you have access to this blog, you are the luckiest being. Not because of my blog (although it's a pretty decent blog), but because of the internet. You have access to endless education. You can simply ask google and you're already on your way. I am taking this precious time home to learn and keep my brain exercised. Duolingo, YouTube, even Ultimate Guitar are all gateways to knowledge. Ever wanted to learn a language? It takes 2 minutes to download Duolingo and make a start, I'll be using it to practice French and I highly recommend it. I am also wanting to expand my knowledge of the guitar, which has been very therapeutic and beneficial to me during this time. I may only be a four-chord-wonder but I can get better if I put the work in as can you. I am also learning pottery, sewing and cooking! We have so much time, I beg you not to take it for granted.

Take Care :)

All of these things that I have mentioned are things that bring me joy or simple contentment. Knowing that I am doing something, though seemingly small, but fun or relaxing is going to boost the wellness of my mind and self-love. I feel at peace and joy even during this stressful time. Take care of yourself, make yourself a tea and do something little, but something that will make you feel better. I urge you to wake up a little earlier and do a little more. Make the most of your time.
I hope you are healthy and well, I must leave this post here now due to a very large cup of tea and my small bladder.
Until next time Old Friend! Lots of Love,
Vienna x

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